Miss Health & Beauty TM2014
We are a non-profit corporation, dedicated to health, beauty, awareness & giving back. We are partnered with the Virtua Foundation, and a portion of the proceeds and entry fees from this online event and from our published magazine will benefit this foundation.
Are You Our Miss Health & Beauty Winner?
The Miss Health & Beauty Competition is open to Ladies 18-38, regardless of their marital status. Candidates may have a variety of backgrounds and health and fitness levels. If you have a healthy lifestyle, are photogenic, and passionate about sharing your story & success with others, then we would love to hear from you. Our winners will be showcased on our web age, in our online magazine, and given an ongoing opportunity & platform throughout the year to be featured as our Miss Health and Beauty winners. Our winners will also receive an exquisite crown, official banner, official framed certificate, a gift bag from our sponsors, an official tote bag & water bottle, and most importantly, a position of impact in the lives of others.
Additional Opportunities To Be In The Spotlight
The Inspire Award
If you have a particularly inspiring story related to overcoming an obstacle, great life achievement, or success story, we would love to celebrate you! This may or may not be related to health and or beauty. Every main division contestant will automatically be entered into the inspire competition. However, contestants not entered into the main division may enter this category as well. We place a high value on celebrating women and their success, and the Inspire award is the perfect way to showcase women who chose to change their lives and/or overcome an obstacle. Winners will receive coverage on our web page, exposure in our online Magazine, and a framed certificate of recognition bearing our official logo. most importantly, the platform to inspire and potentially impact the lives of others. There will be three winners, one for each age division.
The Photogenic Award
Our photogenic winners – We value the ability to celebrate Beauty through still photography. Because we are an online competition, this is a key element. Executing an image that communicates without words is an art all it’s own. Our main contestants will automatically be entered in the photogenic competition, however this category is open to others as well. The winners will be featured in the official Miss Health & Beauty section of Key Faces, our online magazine. Our winners will also receive an official framed certificate bearing the Miss Health & Beauty logo. There will be three winners, one in each age division.
Directors Award
Because the competition directors do not judge our other division winners, this is our opportunity to award women who we feel deserve recognition. these women may not be the main division winners, however, they are eligible to win the photogenic and or the inspire award in addition to this award. There will be up to three directors award winners, one in each age division.
Iconic Women
We are planning to have an advisory panel of industry and non-industry women to select our winners. These women have a set the standard of excellence. These are women our winners should aspire to emulate. They will lend their names and/or support to our non-profit, and they will be recognized and interviewed on our web pages and in our online magazine.
We are pursuing a variety of judges, both male and female, in the health, beauty, entertainment, & fashion industries to assist in the selection of our winners. These may include celebrities and experts in their respective fields.
Spotlight Gallery
These are our advisors and experts in their respective fields who selflessly serve to assist us in making our event come to life. They have particular insights into the health & beauty and entertainment industries.
Contestant Qualifications, Guidelines& Prizes
Why should I enter? Because we are so much more than a competition. We are a key element in impacting the world! If you share this passion & dedication, join us. Learn more at www.misshealthandbeauty.com.
Will YOU be featured in Key Faces Magazine as a Miss Health & Beauty Winner?